
AGES 13–14

Up for a challenge?

Our CIT program invites 13- to 14-year-old campers to participate in their desired camp Immersions while learning to mentor younger campers, mediate and problem-solve their way through issues, and train to become camp counselors. This program requires an application, an interview, and a two-week commitment, as well as the desire to be a leader in the summer camp community.

Please note: The Ross Summer 2024 CIT program is offered for Immersions only, which take place on our Bridgehampton Campus.

After registration, CIT campers will be contacted to set up an interview and discuss their Immersion preferences.


8:45–9 am: Arrival and Meeting

9 am–12 pm: Morning Immersion/Sport

12:00–1:20 pm: Lunch

1:30–3 pm: Training and Shadow Counselors

3–3:15 pm: Dismissal



Please contact with any questions.