The Mathematics program at Ross School is characterized by curricular integration with Cultural History and a technology-oriented instructional approach.
A key component of our integrated curriculum is the Mathematics program, which is fueled by its connections to history through art, science, music, and technology. By studying mathematics in conjunction with its historical roots, students learn to appreciate not only the beauty of the discipline of mathematics itself, but also its relationship to evolving aesthetics, technological innovations, and societal needs. The central role mathematics has played in shaping world cultural history is emphasized throughout the program. Ross students learn to do mathematics on paper; with scientific, graphing, and historical calculators such as the abacus and Japanese soroban; and on computers equipped with Geometer’s Sketchpad, Excel, and other instructional software. This range of tools both expands the educational experience and allows mathematics to be more effectively incorporated into the interdisciplinary project-based model at the heart of Ross pedagogy. Logic, reasoning, and the application of statistics, including data collection, data display, analysis, and decision making, are the fruits of the study of mathematics. As part of the integrated curriculum, these skills can be used to consider the panoply of human experience.